Godavari Homeo Clinic

Wednesday 9 March 2016

Fever in Children and Homeopathic Treatment

                              Fever in Children and Homeopathic Treatment-Dr. Arunim Maheshwari

Definition of Fever :

The definition of fever varies based on the age of a child.
If your child is under 3 months, a fever is considered any temperature over 100.4°F (40°C).
Over 3 months, the definition is any temperature over 101°F (38.3°C).

When to take your child to the doctor :

Children with fevers are usually quieter and less active than usual.
Contact your doctor if :
  • Your child is looking more ill than before
  • Your child is more difficult to wake up
  • Your child has a rash
  • Your child has persistent vomiting or diarrhoea
  • Your child will not drink
  • A high fever persists even though you have given paracetamol or ibuprofen
  • Your child has pain
  • You are worried in any way.
  • All babies under 12 months with fever should be seen by a doctor.

Febrile convulsions:

In some children a sudden increase in body temperature can lead to seizures (or fits) which are called febrile convulsions. During a febrile convulsion, part or all of child's body may shake and twitch and child’s eyes may roll back in their head. Febrile convulsions can be frightening and can last for up to six minutes, but child is likely to make a full recovery. However, child may seem confused immediately after the convulsion ends, and should take him to see doctor or to local hospital.

Causes of Fever:

Fever is a symptom, not a disease. Fever helps the body fight infections by making its defense systems work more efficiently. Bacteria and viruses cannot live at higher temperatures and so are killed by fever.
Usually, fevers in children are caused by viral infections. The most common are colds, flu, and gastroenteritis, which are not dangerous.

Some other common causes of fever in children include the following:
  • Acute Otitis Media, Or Middle Ear Infection
  • Bacterial Meningitis
  • Childhood Immunizations, Such As The Dtp Vaccine
  • Heatstroke Or Heat Exhaustion
  • Pneumonia
  • Skin Infections
  • Throat Infection
  • Urinary Tract Infections
  • Overbundling Or Overdressing A Small Child

Essential Care of Child at Home During Fever :

  • Talk  to your baby about what is happening. The sound of your voice is comforting to them .
  • Be patient! Children who are sick can become more demanding and regress temporarily, sucking things, wetting the bed, and so on sometimes even before the symptoms of the illness (rashes, swollen glands etc.) appear. This will pass once they are on the way to recovery.
  • Keep your sick baby close to you. Many babies want to be carried constantly and sleep better if they are tucked up in bed with their mothers during this time.
  • Provide a calm environment for your feverish child.
  • Encourage your baby to drink plenty of fluids, preferably water, diluted natural juices, or at least sips of water at frequent intervals. If you are breastfeeding a sick baby continue to nurse as often as your baby asks.
  • Sponge your baby down with tap water if the fever goes above 103°F/104°F (40°C) and your child feels hot and sweaty. This will help the temperature to drop by 1-2°F and can be repeated as often as necessary. Sponging the face and forehead alone can also give relief.
  • Suppress the fever with Paracetamol in an emergency , that is, where the fever rises above 105°F (40.5°c), or if your child is in severe pain from, say, teething in the middle of the night or you don't have a homeopathic remedy to hand but never exceed the recommended dose.
  • Watch for signs of dehydration in infants under six months old, and especially in children who are refusing to drink or who are drinking less than usual.
  • Don’t encourage sick children to eat especially if they don't want to. Fasting encourages the body in its process of healing. Give babies who are hungry small, light, nutritious meals such as fruit or vegetable purees, soups and porridge/oatmeal.
  • Don’t give any form of aspirin to a feverish child. This has been known to lead to dangerous, which affects the brain and liver.

Role of Homeopathy in Fever :

Each baby has their own pattern of falling ill and will experience different fever symptoms. One baby will feel hot with a high fever, will kick off the covers; another will be irritable, intolerant of any disturbance and need to be kept warm; one baby will sweat profusely, be thirsty and slightly delirious; another will be dry and hot and refuse liquids.

Each of these babies will need a different homeopathic remedy to help them depending on their emotional state and general symptoms. Prescribe on the whole picture to help your baby fight their infection safely and effectively.

COMMON HOMEOPATHIC REMEDIES FOR FEVER :  Belladona, Gelsimium, Ferrum Phos., Chamomila, Ars alb, Bryonia, Rhus tox, Nux vomica etc.

The remedy is prescribed according to the presenting symptom of the child.

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